

On 18th January a conference  was convened in Paris  France in the town of Versailles in the hall of mirrors, between Germany and the allied  forces, to settle  and solve the problems  that had been brought by World  war 1914  and also to prevent the occurrence of another  war in future .27 countries attended the meeting that include; France, Britain, U.S.A, Spain, Greece, Belgium ,Switzerland, Peru ,etc.

1.                  The  primary objective  was to maintain  world peace  and security by creating  the environment that favors  peace they adopted the slogan that “we declare  war to end” after  realizing  how the  war was devastating  to humanity  all their efforts  were put towards complete  eliminating  of possible  war in future  similar to that  of the first
2.                  To maintain  and keep  the principle  of European balance of power which German  had disorganized during her unification that required the redistribution  of territories in Europe and equal military and economic power this would be one of the strategies to avoid future  confrontation among  the imperialist nations of Europe in case  all nations were military and economically equal      
3.                  It also aimed to Germany a friendly nation although  was to be pushed  for having  caused  the war, isolation of Germany  would have brought  more conflicts  between the victor and  power  Germany herself, thus to avoid  that  was to make Germany a friendly  nation.  
4.                  The Versailles men also aimed to reduce armament to all countries as to avoid  arms race after realizing that competition in manufacturing  weapons was one on of the key factors that  led to the  outbreak  of world  war one, thus    all powers were suppose disarm  their  deadly  weapons  as to maintain  world security
5.                  They also aimed to recognize nationalism  in Europe and Africa by granting independence  to those countries that had been occupied by Germany, and avoiding  future re- occupation of other nations after realizing that the sprite for national struggle may create war in future ,
6.                  The Versailles men also aimed to punish Germany and his allies for having caused the war eg. Australia, Turkey by asking  her to pay war reparations, although the punishment  to Germany  and her allies were to ‘humiliating and heavy to their economies and national security  

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