
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations Organisation in African major issues

The United Nations (UN) has played a significant role in addressing major issues in Africa, but like any large international organization, it has bo…

Examine the reasons for the development of the Trans-Saharan Trade and the effects it brought in the Western Sudanic region.

The development of the Trans-Saharan Trade was influenced by several factors, including economic, environmental, technological, and cultural dyn…

Account for the rise and fall of Oyo Empire in the 19" century.

The rise and fall of the Oyo Empire in the 19th century is a complex historical process influenced by various internal and external factors. Here…

With examples from East or West Africa, show how company rule helped to create European colonization in Africa.

Company rule played a crucial role in laying the groundwork for European colonization in Africa, particularly in regions such as West Africa where E…

Briefly analyse the pattern of colonial infrastructure in mainland Tanzania and show how facilitated exploitation of the country.

The pattern of colonial infrastructure in mainland Tanzania was characterized by a focus on facilitating the exploitation of the country's natur…

Account for the Ethiopia's successful resistance against colonialism Account

Ethiopia's successful resistance against colonialism can be attributed to several key factors, including its strong leadership, geographic advan…

Discuss the three stages through which slave trade was abolished in East Aftica during the 19" century

The abolition of the slave trade in East Africa during the 19th century was a complex process that unfolded in three main stages: 1. **International…