
The role of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle of Ghana’s independence in 1957. -        His role in Pan – Africansim congress made him the best choic…

1.       Factors for the growth of nationalism in Ghana.          -        Young Western educated people. These had elementary education but coul…

Six reasons why indirectrule failed in SouthernNigeria                 -        There was lack of unity in the South due to many ethnic groups wi…

Any six 6 x 2 = 12 Marks 1.       a. Characterist…

Results of Lewanika’s collaboration with the British. -        The Lozi people lost their independence -        Lewanika was made a paramount c…

1.       Terms of the lochner -  Lewanika treaty of 1890                      -        BSAC would have exclusive mining rights in Bulozi -     …

1.       Characteristics of industrial revolution in Europe. -        Use of steam power as source of energy -        Rise of modern capitalism…