
dentify six factors which determined the variation of agricultural systems during the colonia period.

 Tanganyika, present-day Tanzania, attained independence from colonial rule earlier than Kenya. Several factors contributed to this difference in timing:

1. **Colonial Administration:** Tanganyika was a German colony until the end of World War I when it became a League of Nations mandate under British administration. The German colonial presence was relatively short-lived compared to Kenya, which was under British colonial rule for a longer period. The transition from German to British rule in Tanganyika may have facilitated a smoother path to independence compared to the entrenched British colonial system in Kenya.

2. **Nationalist Movements:** Tanganyika had a less organized and militant nationalist movement compared to Kenya. While Tanganyikan nationalists, such as Julius Nyerere and the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU), advocated for independence through peaceful means, Kenya experienced more militant resistance movements, such as the Mau Mau uprising, which prolonged the struggle for independence.

3. **Political Leadership:** Tanganyika had strong and charismatic leaders like Julius Nyerere, who played a central role in the independence movement. Nyerere's leadership and vision for a united and independent Tanganyika helped mobilize popular support and negotiate a peaceful transition to independence. In contrast, Kenya experienced divisions among its political leaders, which complicated the path to independence.

4. **International Context:** The international context also played a role in the timing of independence. Tanganyika benefited from the wave of decolonization sweeping across Africa in the 1950s and 1960s. The winds of change in the global political landscape, coupled with British commitments to decolonization, hastened the process of independence for Tanganyika. Kenya, on the other hand, faced stronger British resistance to decolonization due to its strategic importance and settler interests.

5. **Economic Factors:** Tanganyika had a less developed and economically exploitable settler population compared to Kenya. The dominance of cash crop agriculture and settler interests in Kenya created entrenched economic interests opposed to independence. In Tanganyika, the economy was less dependent on settler agriculture, facilitating a smoother transition to independence.

6. **Social Cohesion:** Tanganyika had greater social cohesion and fewer ethnic tensions compared to Kenya. The presence of a more homogenous population and a less stratified society may have reduced the potential for internal conflict and facilitated consensus-building around the goal of independence.

In summary, Tanganyika's earlier attainment of independence compared to Kenya can be attributed to factors such as the nature of colonial administration, the presence of strong political leadership, the international context, economic factors, and social cohesion. These factors combined to create a conducive environment for Tanganyika to negotiate a peaceful transition to independence.

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